segunda-feira, 24 de setembro de 2012




shakira second interview



Hello, this is Diego from Mexico and today at we're gonna talk about staying in shape. Why is it important to stay in shape? I think it's very important for us to stay in shape because our body is with us all the time basically, and when you start exercising, you start feeling better. You start feeling more empowered, and you don't get tired when you go up the stairs. You don't get tired when you have to run to the classroom and so on, so staying in shape is pretty much taking care of yourself. It's preventing heart diseases. It's preventing heart attacks and you know, it gives you this drive to go on. And yeah, you feel great and actually some people say that exercising is a bit addictive because it releases endorphins. Endorphins are the substance that makes you happy, like chocolate, so when you're exercising, you are pretty much sending this substance through your body that is making you happy.



Sarah / England
My favorite restaurant would have to be a chicken restaurant called "Nando's." The menu is predominantly chicken and it's Portuguese style, so it's spicy. You can choose a spice and you can have it in the form of chicken on the bone, or you can have chicken burgers or chicken pitas. It's so very, very tasty and you can choose what different sides you have. It's so very, very nice.
Paul / England
My favorite restaurant is an Italian restaurant called "Napoli." It has some fantastic, delicious pizzas, mostly using thin base, again, which is common in Italian cooking. The quality of the ingredients is really good and very, very fresh, and the cooking isn't a long process. And so, you'd really get a feel for the Mediterranean when you eat there.
Warren / Canada 
I'd say my favorite restaurant is something that has a lot of variety. I think it's quite common, maybe in a pub especially, to have food, not only from Canada but from around the world, so you might be able to get some Thai food or Japanese food, but it usually got a little bit of a Canadian twist to it.
Rese / Botswana
My favorite restaurant would have to be Nando's, actually. They have good choices for different sizes of chicken, from half to quarter to full-sized chickens, and they've got different flavors, which they spread on those chickens, that you can get. The French fries that come with the chicken are also quite tasty.
Dani / England 
I don't really have a most favorite restaurant, I guess. Right now, though, if I have to say what my favorite restaurant would be, it would probably be the Italian Tomato Cafe. They serve a lot of different pastas there. They actually have a really nice one on the menu at the moment with pumpkin and cream dressing, and it's justdelicious.
Katia / Mexico 
Yes, there's a very good restaurant. It's a tacos restaurant. They have very good tacos, with different kinds of sauces. Only one kind of meat, but the variety of sauces makes it really good.
Matt / United States 
I think my favorite restaurant right now is Ramen Noodle Shop near where I live. It's my favorite because it's very cheap; it's less than five dollars for one bowl of noodles, but you can actually get as many bowls as you want for that same one price. So, it's very cheap and it tastes all right, too, so that's where I go most often.



1. What is the man's name?
A. Craig
B. Greg
C. Gary
2. Where was the man born?
A. Arizona
B. Kansas
C. Colorado
3. Which sentence best describes his university studies?
A. He is a third-year student.
B. He is majoring in Spanish.
C. He really enjoys his studies.
4. Where does the man work?
A. at a bookstore
B. at a restaurant
C. at a supermarket
5. What is one thing the man likes to do in his free time?
A. reading
B. jogging
C. camping

  • originally (adverb): in the beginning, in the first place
    - My mom is originally from a small town in Texas.
  • currently (adverb): now, at this time
    - She is currently working as a server at a restaurant.
  • attend (verb): go to
    - I want to attend a school near my family.
  • junior (noun): third-year student
    - He is only a junior, so he has another year to graduate.
  • major in (verb): have as one's main field of study
    - I'm thinking about majoring in restaurant and hotel management.
  • cashier (noun): a person who receives and pays out money at a store
    - Kathy found a job as a cashier at a restaurant.
  • grocery store (noun): supermarket
    - My brother works full time as the manager of a grocery store.
  • hang out (phrasal verb): spend time with, socialize
    - We usually hang out with friends after school.

Hi. My name's Greg, and I'moriginally from Denver, Colorado, but my family moved to Arizona when I was about 3, so I grew up there. I graduated from high school about three years ago, and I am currently attending a university in my city. I'm a junior, and I am majoring in economics with a minor in Spanish. I also work part time as a cashier at agrocery store. Life is really busy, but I enjoy hiking, reading, andhanging out with friends in my free time. When I graduate, I want to work for a company in this area.




engvid slangs








I can't get no satisfaction
I can't get no satisfaction
And I try, and I try, and I try, and I try
I can't get no, I can't get no satisfaction

When I'm ...................................
And that man comes on the radio
And he's tellin' me more and more
About some useless .............................
Supposed to fire my imagination
I can't get no, oh no no no
Hey hey hey, this.................................

I can't get no satisfaction
I can't get no reaction
And I try, and I try, and I try, and I try
I can't get no, I can't ..............................................

When ...........................................
and that girl comes on to tell me
how tight my skirts should be
well she can't tell me who to be
cause I've got my own identity.
I can't get no, oh no no no

I can't ......................................
I can't get no satisfaction

[Repeat CHORUS]

I can't get no, satisfaction
I can't get no, satisfaction

I can't get no satisfaction baby





segunda-feira, 10 de setembro de 2012



Paul / England 
I prefer cooking because I enjoy 
the creative aspectof cooking, the idea of bringing together a number of ingredients, and you know, cooking is something that's going to taste good. And for these reasons, I enjoy cooking to cleaning.
Phoebe / China
Do I prefer cooking or cleaning? Definitely, I prefer cooking. I don't mind to cook every meal as long as someone can clean it for me, so if you let me choose, definitely, I prefer cooking.
Tim / United States
I like both cooking and cleaning, because I like doing my own cooking because it can be fun and you can make something that you enjoy eating and tastes good and is also healthy. And I also like cleaning because I don't like having a mess in my personal space, and I like keeping things organized, so it's nice to keep things clean, so you have a less 
stressful life.
Antoinette / United States 
I prefer cleaning. Cooking is very stressful, because if you're cooking, you're going to cook for someone else. If I have to cook for myself, I don't mind, I don't really care. I'll eat whatever it is I cook. But if I'm cooking for other people, I have to worry about whether they will like what I make, if I'll make enough, if I'll have enough courses, will I make something someone's 
allergic to, so it's just very stressful. Cleaning, that's easy, and it helps me to relieve stress.
Rese / Botswana 
I prefer cooking because cleaning takes too much energy, and I don't really like washing up and getting my hands wet. Plus, I like to 
come up with new recipes and experiment in the kitchen.
Kat / Germany 
I definitely prefer cooking. Cooking is actually one of my biggest hobbies. I love making food for my friends, I love preparing an 
elaborate meal for everyone, and I really enjoy throwing dinner parties.
video cooking



1. What is the father reading at the beginning of the conversation?
A. a novel
B. a magazine
C. a newspaper
2. What kind of book does the girl want to read?
A. a book about animals
B. a book on dolls
C. a book about candy and cookies 
3. What does the girl's teacher say about reading?
A. The girl can check out books from the library.
B. The girl should read books everyday.
C. The girl ought to read at least ten books a night.
4. What is one thing the girl wants to eat while they are reading?
A. cookies
B. ice cream
C. bananas 
5. About what time of day is it in the conversation?
A. the late morning
B. the early afternoon
C. in the evening

Girl: Dad, will you read to me?Dad: Uh, let me finish the newspaper first?
Girl: You've been saying that forever!
Dad: Well, how about reading the business section of the newspaper together?
Girl: That's boring. Let's read this book. It's about a bear and cat that becomes friends. [Okay] And these books too.
DadWhoa. I thought you said one book. There must be ten here.
Girl: My teacher, Mrs. Green, says you have to read to me every night, and the newspaper doesn't count. And let's eat some popcorn and cookies while we're reading
Dad: Well, it's bedtime right now. So, okay, here we go. Once upon a time in a deep, dark forest, lived a brown bear . . .

Key Vocabulary [Top]

  • section (noun): a separate part of a book or newspaper
    - Be sure to read this section of the book carefully. It will help you understand the story better.
  • boring (adjective): not interesting
    - Many advertisers use almost any means to persuade customers to buy their products.
  • whoa: used to show surprise
    Whoa! You can read really well. That's great!
  • count (verb): be included, allowed, or accepted
    - You are supposed to read 300 pages before the end of the school year, but remember that comic books don't count. You have to read story books.
  • bedtime (noun): the time when you normally go to bed
    - I often read a book or watch TV before bedtime.



