segunda-feira, 11 de julho de 2011


Baby powder: talco de bebê Baby wipes: leços umidecidos
Backpack: mochila Bad Word: palavrão
Barrettes: presilhas/tic tac de cabelo
(to) Be done: acabar/terminar (de fazer algo) – ex: I´m done eating.
(to) Be grounded: estar de castigo – ex: You´re grounded for 5 minutes
Bib: babador Blanket (ou blankie, como dizem as kids): cobertor
Boogeyman: bicho papão Booboo: “dodói”
Bottle: mamadeira Car seat: cadeira para levar as kids no carro
Comforter: edredom Crib: berço
Diaper: fralda Diaper pins: alfinetes
Doll: boneca (to) Dress up: se fantasiar – ex: Children like dressing up.
Flip flop: chinelo
Goddies: guloseimas
(to) Go night-night: ir dormir – ex: It´s time to go night-night.
(to) Go potty: ir ao banheiro – ex: I want to go potty.
Hide and seek: esconde-esconde Highchair: cadeirote/ cadeira onde bebês e kids pequenas comem
Hopscotch: amarelinha Kitty cat: gatinho (filhote)
Lunch Box: lancheira (to) Make faces: fazer caretas
Nap: cochilo – ex: Let´s take a nap? Pacifier: chupeta
PB and J sandwich (Peanut butter and jelly): sanduíche de manteiga de amendoim e geléia
Pee: xixi Pillow: travesseiro
Playdate: ir na casa de um amiguinho ou receber um amiguinho em casa pra brincar
Playdough: massinha Poop: cocô
Puppie: cachorrinho (filhote) Rattle: chocalho
Sleep over: dormir fora (na casa de um amiguinho)
Slide: escorregador Snack: lanche
Straw: canudo Stroller: carrinho de passeio (para bebês)
Swing: balanço Teddy bear/ stuffed animal: bichinho de pelúcia
Teething ring: mordedor Tic tac toe: jogo da velha
Time out: castigo Walker: andador


travel agency - agência de viagem flight reservation - reserve de vôo
hotel reservation - reserva de hotel visa - visto de entrada
air ticket - passagem aérea airplane ticket - passagem aérea
flight ticket - passagem aérea one-way ticket - passagem só de ida
round-trip ticket - passagem de ida e volta airport - aeroporto
airline - companhia aérea departure - partida
arrival – chegada rest room - banheiro, toilete
airline counter - balcão da linha aérea check in (a flight, a hotel) - despachar a bagagem e receber o cartão de embarque; registrar-se em um hotel check out (hotel) - fechar as contas
baggage – bagagem luggage - bagagem
suitcase – mala briefcase - maleta de mão
hand baggage - bagagem de mão carry-on bag - bagagem de mão
boarding pass - cartão de embarque baggage ticket - ticket da bagagem
lost baggage - bagagem extraviada gate - portão
Disembarkation Card - cartão de desembarque, documento exigido por alguns países e distribuído no avião
Arrival/Departure Record - documento de registro de chegada e partida, semelhante ao anterior e também normalmente distribuído no avião.
Customs Declaration - documento de declaração à alfândega
Accompanied Baggage Declaration - documento de declaração à alfândega semelhante ao anterior.
immigration control - contrôle de imigração immigration officer - fiscal de imigração
baggage claim area - área de recebimento de bagagem conveyor - esteira transportadora da bagagem
customs – alfândega go through customs - passar pela alfândega
customs officer - fiscal alfandegário, oficial da receita federal
lockers (available at hotels, airports, train stations and bus terminals) - armários de chavear para guardar malas temporariamente
airport limousine - microônibus que faz transporte entre aeroporto e hotéis
shuttle bus - ônibus que circula entre diferentes terminais nos grandes aeroportos

daily rate – diária porter - carregador de bagagem, porteiro
chambermaid – camareira tip - gorgeta
tipping - dar gorgeta lobby - saguão de entrada
front desk – recepção voucher - comprovante de reserva e pagamento da estadia
guest – hóspede single room - quarto de solteiro
double room - quarto de casal credit card - cartão de crédito
safe-deposit box – cofre extra charge - custo adicional
key – chave key card - chave de cartão
local call - chamada telefônica local long-distance call - chamada longa-distância
international phone call - ligação internacional collect call - ligação a cobrar
room service - serviço de quarto minibar - frigobar
vending machine - máquinas de vender bebidas, etc. swimming pool - piscina
city tour - passeio turístico pela cidade city map - mapa da cidade
mall - shopping, centro comercial youth hostel - albergue da juventude
tourist office - departamento de atendimento ao turista



How are you?
I am Bel, I was Au Pair of the Craig's and I am helping them to choose a girl.
I am from Brazil too. I live in Sao Paulo.
I loved being there for a year. They are a great family and Carson (the little boy) is really cute, he is adorable. I was part of the family, they took care of me like their daughter. They want somebody to be a big sister for Carson and part of their family.
They live in a small city in Ohio. I think they told you about that already. haha
He loves to play and have fun.
I am going to tell you a little bit of his routine.
He wakes up around 7:00/7:30 have breakfast, make his bed, watch a little bit of cartoon, change clothes and start a fun day. Playing outside if the wheatear is good or inside if it is raining. He loves to swim, do arts and crafts, read books, play with balls, ride his bikes, goes for a walk and he also LOVES to run. When the weather is not good he likes to go to the library, to grandma’s house… He loves to be occupied and it is really easy to have fun with him.
He goes to school two times a week.

Well, I am going to ask you some questions.

What are you preference when you are looking for a family?

What do you expect being an Au Pair?
What do you like to do with a 4 years old boy?
How would you plan a day with him when it is a sunny day and when it is raining?
What do you like to do in your free time?
How would feel about being homesick?

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