domingo, 11 de dezembro de 2011


Ser feliz é tudo aquilo que  sentimos  de bom e queremos repartir com os outros.


Basic 1  and 2

A: Do you have a girlfriend?
B: No, I don’t. Do you?
A: I don’t have a girlfriend, either.
B: Why not?
A: I don’t know. Maybe I’m not rich enough.
B: Girls like guys with money.
A: They sure do.
B: They like guys with new cars.
A: I don’t have money or a new car.
B: Me, neither.
A: But girls like guys who are funny.
B: Maybe we should learn some good jokes.


The least sport

Hello, this is Kadi from Estonia. This goes for Today's question is ... What is your least favorite season? My least favorite season is winter because winter is like really cold and I hate when it's cold cause you have to wear a lot of clothes on you. You can't do anything. You practically can't move around in this clothes and I hate skiing. I hate snowboarding. I hate all winter sports, so there's nothing fun about winter for me




Kat / Germany 
I don't use public transportation too often. When I still lived in my home town, it was just too small to have public transportation. Nowadays, I like to ride my car. I think public transportation is a great idea, but I really like the convenience of having my own vehicle.

Dani / England
All the time, especially here at the moment at the university, I always use the bus or the train or walk everywhere. I can't drive, so it's my only option really.

Shiloh / United States 
At school, I use public transportation a lot to get from my home to my university. There's a regular bus service that runs between my house and my school, which is about five kilometers or so. But when I'm at home with my family in New Mexico, I don't use public transportation at all. I think that American public transportation is few and far between. it's not very well-funded, and it's not very good, unless you live in the city. Everybody has cars, so you don't really have a need for public transportation, because everybody is able to drive himself where they need to go.

Sarah / England 
Public transport is something that I don't often use at all. Because I own a car, I normally just jump into the car and just drive wherever I need to go. The only time really that I go use public transport is when I'm traveling around London, because using the underground is a lot more easier than trying to drive through the busy roads.

Warren / Canada 
Not so much these days. I have a car now, and where I'm living, the bus system isn't very good and there's no train station right by me, so I tend to drive.

Tim / United States 
I don't use public transportation very often. It's not as common in America as it is in other countries. And I also own a car, so if I need to get anywhere, I just drive my own car, which is very convenient, because I can go wherever I want at whatever time I want without being dependent on a bus schedule or something like that.



Before I put on..................................................
I ...........................................................
While combing my hair now,
And wondering what dress ....................................................
I say a little prayer for you

Forever, and ever, you'll ...........................................
and I will ...........................................
Forever, and ever, we...............................................
Oh, how I love you
.............................................. that's how it must be
To live ................................................
Would only mean a .......................................................

I run for ...............................................................
While riding I think of us, dear,
I say a little prayer for you.
At work I .......................................................
And all through my ..........................................................
I say a ........................................................
Forever, and ever, you'll stay in my heart
and I will love you
Forever, and ever ...............................
Oh, how I'll love you
Together, forever, that's how it must be
To live without you
Would only mean ..................................................................
I say a little prayer for you
I say a little prayer for you
My darling ....................................., ( believe  me)
For me there is ..............................................
Please love me too (answer his pray)
And I'm .............................................. (answer his pray)
Answer my prayer now babe (answer his pray)
Forever, and ever, ........................................................
and I ............................................................
Forever, and ever we never will part
Oh, how I'll love you
Together, forever, that's how ......................................................
To live...............................................................
Would only mean heartbreak for me (oooooooooh)

The class plays football.
What does the class play?
1) She never cleans the van.
2) Kim and Tina are playing ball in the garden.
3) They are running home.
4) Mr Johnson has been living in Montreal for ten years.
5) Anne likes her new job very much.
6) The Barnes are planning a trip to Norway.
7) The shop will be closed until next month.
8) Beverly usually gets up at 6.30 am.
9) He can't meet Sharon because she is very ill.
10) Every evening Steven listens to his new CDs.

22) Mum gave ……… her job when I was born.
a) in
b) up
c) off
d) away

23) It's all right, we ……… hurry. We have plenty of time.
a) mustn't
b) shouldn't
c) can't
d) needn't

24) You have a terrible fever! ……… call a doctor?
a) Shall I
b) Do I
c) Must I
d) Will I

25) Joanna looks ……… in her new dress.
a) nice
b) nicely
c) like nice
d) such nice

26) Mr Haines wants ……… to his office.
a) that you come
b) you come to
c) you come
d) you to come

27) There are ……… around to start a cricket team
a) enough young boys
b) boys enough young
c) young boys enough
d) enough youngest boys

28) These bottles ……… of plastic.
a) are making
b) are make
c) are made
d) made are

29) Do you know where ……… ?
a) did I put the keys
b) put I the keys
c) I put the keys
d) I the keys put

30) Magda knows a lot about badgers, but she ……… a live one.
a) doesn't ever see
b) hasn't ever seen
c) hasn't ever saw
d) didn't ever see



Preposition Exercises 4

1 - She wasn't short, she wasn't tall; she was  average height.
2 - What are you going to buy Hania  her birthday?
3 - The police are looking  a tall, black man who was seen standing outside the bank just before the robbery took place.
4 - The teacher asked the class to do the exercise  the bottom of page 12.
5 - As a child I was always ashamed  my parents because they were uneducated.
6 - I was always very good  Geography when I was at school.
7 - My uncle specializes in .
8 - We arrived  Gorzów at 3.30 in the morning.
9 - I didn't see you  the party on Saturday.
10 - There was a lot of coughing  the performance of Moniusko's 'Fairy Tale' symphony.
11 - He saw her as the most attractive womanthe world.
12 - Simon is completely useless sports.


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