domingo, 16 de junho de 2013


Slang Time

Conversation Questions
Getting to Know Each Other
Do you have any pets?
What was the last book you read?
Do you like to cook?
What's your favorite food?
Are you good at cooking/swimming/etc?
Are you married or single?
Do you have brothers and sisters?
Are they older or younger than you?
Do you like baseball?
Do you live alone?
Do you live in a house or an apartment?
Have you ever lived in another country?
Have you ever met a famous person?
How do you spend your free time?
How long have you been studying English?
How old are you?
How tall are you?
Tell me about a favorite event of your adulthood.
Tell me about a favorite event of your childhood.
What are your hobbies?
What two things could you not do when you were...?
What countries have you visited?
What country are you from?
What do you do on Sundays?
What do you do? What's your job?
What do you like to do in your free time?
What hobbies do you have?
What is the nearest bus stop or train station to your house?
What is your motto?
What is your religion? (Perhaps not a good question in some situations.)
What kind of food do you like?
What kind of people do you like?
What kind of people do you not like?
What languages do you speak?
What two things could you not do when you were a child, but you can do now?
What's something you do well?
What's your address?
What's your father like?
What's your mother like?
What's your name?
What's your phone number?
What's your telephone number?
When did you start to study English?
Where are you from?
Where do you live?
Where do you live? How long have you lived there?
Where were you born?
Which sports do you like?
Who do you live with?
Who do you respect the most?
Who has had the most influence in your life?
Why did you decide to take this course?
Why do you want to learn English?
Would you like to be famous?
What do you think you will be doing five years from now?
Where do you think you'll be living five years from now?
What is your goal in life?
Are you a 'morning' or 'night' person?
When do you feel best? In the morning, afternoon, or evening?
How many cities have you lived in?
What jobs have you done?
Which do you prefer, sunrises or sunsets?
What could you do as a child that you can't do now?
Who is your next door neighbor in your home country?
What is he or she like?
Did you get along with each other?
What is the best memory of our country that you will take back home with you?
What is the worst memory of our country?
How many times did you move as a child?
Are you a task oriented person or a people oriented person?
What is the profile of the wife/husband you would meet?
What kind of woman/man would you like to marry?
Brighter Than Sunshine
I never knew what love was for
________________________________________ my head was sore

Tied up in ancient history
I look up you're standing next to me

What a feeling in my soul
Love burns brighter than sunshine
It's brighter than sunshine
Let the rain fall ______________________
I'm yours and suddenly you're mine
_______________________you're mine
And it's brighter than sunshine

I'd given up and given in
I just couldn't take the hurt again
What a feeling

_________________________ the strength to fight
But suddenly yet it seemed so right
Me and you
What a feeling

What a feeling in my soul
Love burns brighter than sunshine
It's brighter than ___________________
Let the rain fall ______________________
I'm yours and suddenly you're mine
____________________ you're mine
And it's brighter than the sun
It's brighter the sun
It's brighter than the sun, sunshine

_________________________a mystery
But give me your hand and you will see
Your heart is keeping time with me

Oooh what a feeling in my soul
Love burns brighter than sunshine
It's brighter than sunshine
Let the rain fall I don't care
I'm yours and suddenly you're mine
Suddenly you're mine
I've got a feeling in my soul
Love burns brighter than sunshine
It's brighter than sunshine
Let the rain fall I dont care
I'm yours and suddenly you're mine
Suddenly you're mine

And it's brighter than sunshine


How to Become More Talkative

It's really useful to be able to talk to anyone, about almost anything, for as long as you like or need. It can help you make new friends, open doors for you, teach you something new every day, or just make you smile. It can take some effort, but it's often worth it.
Allow yourself to approach people, don't be shy. Most people are nice when you get talking to them!
Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone! Don't be too detestable, but let people know you're there and want to be heard.
If you have trouble starting conversations, don't be afraid to throw out something random. If you get a laugh, it's even better!
Always listen to the other person. It sounds obvious, but most of us don't listen properly all the time. Bounce off them - they'll be more likely to chat if you talk about something they brought up.
Don't necessarily think you can't say something because it will sound 'stupid'. Most people can be drawn into a conversation about almost anything.
Tell stories. Tell your opinions. Even if someone disagrees with you, that's just an opportunity for a longer conversation!
Keep smiling! It makes people much friendlier, and tricks them and you into believing you've got confidence!
Think of a subject or topic you really enjoy and share it with others.
When you think of a subject or topic you want to talk about write it down so you don't forget.
To think of topics, make a list of things you know about or stories you would like to tell. Make sure they are good stories with a point you don't want everyone to be wonder "why is she/he telling me this?" Remember the things you want to talk about and talk about it with more than just one person. Make a good list of things to talk about and talk about it.
Review this list, memorize some of the things you want to talk about. There must be a reason you want to talk about this so, go ahead.

Fei: Hey Jerry, my friends just invited me to go to "ka la okay" with them tonight. Would you like to come along?

Jerry: Where are you going? California? Do you mean karaoke? We pronounce it "carry oh key" in English, with the emphasis on the "oh".
Fei: Oh, I see. Do you want to go to karaoke with us? It'll be fun!
Jerry: Fei, I feel nervous when someone hands me a microphone. I freeze. I know I'm not a very good singer.
Fei: That's strange! I thought Americans were very outgoing.
Jerry: Not me! I'm very shy, especially in front of a group of strangers.
Fei: Hey, my friends aren't strange!
Jerry: "Strangers" just means "people I don't know". It doesn't mean they are strange! Was it easy for you to sing the first time you went to karaoke?
Fei: For me it was very easy, I love to sing! One of my friends says he has to have some beer before he can sing in front of people. Maybe you should have one or two drinks before singing.
Jerry: Yeah, one or two beers might help... or twenty!
Fei: Does that mean you'll come?
Jerry: Okay, I'll give it a try.
At the karaoke club...
Jerry: Oh, it's a private room! I thought we'd be singing in a crowded bar or restaurant.
Fei: No, we have this all to ourselves.
Jerry: That will make it easier maybe. Now, how does this work?
Fei: It's simple. Just choose a song and sing. Do you know "Hotel California"?
Jerry: Sure, everybody knows it.
Fei: Great, here it comes now! Good luck Jerry!
Jerry: What do you mean? I'm not ready to sing yet. I haven't even had ONE beer!
Fei: You'll just have to do your best. You know what they say: "Just do it!"
Fei: Jerry, how many songs have you sung?
Jerry: Oh, at least 10.
Fei: I think it's been more like 20. Time to go home!
Jerry: Time to go home? But we're just getting started. Let's stay half an hour more.
Fei: Sorry, we have to go to work in the morning and you have to study. We'll come back some other night.
Jerry: Great! How about tommorrow?_______________________________________


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