quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2011

Diálogos curtos para treinar - básicos e básicos II SEMANA 25 DE JUNHO A 2 DE JULHO DE 2011

Cindy: We’re leaving.
 Beth:  Wait for me!
 Cindy: Hurry up! We’ll be late!
 Beth: Okay, okay. I’m ready. Let’s go.
 Mary: (Knock , knock) May I come in?
 Prof: Certainly. Come in. Please have a seat.
 Mary: Thanks.
 Prof.: How can I help you?
 Mary: I need to ask you a question about yesterday’s lecture.
 Prof.: Okay. What’s the question?  
 Sue: We need to leave soon.
 Ivan:  I’m ready.
 Sue: Don’t forget your house key.
 Ivan: I have it.
 Sue: Okay. Don’t forget your wallet, either.
 Ivan: I have it. Let’s go.
 Tom: What’s the matter?
 Jim: I have the hiccups.
 Tom: Don’t breathe.
 Bob: Drink some water.
 Joe: Breathe into a paper bag.
 Ken: Eat a piece of bread.
 Jim: It’s okay. The hiccups are gone.
 Student: Do we have homework tomorrow?
Teacher: Yes. Read pages 24 through 36, and answer the questions on page
37, in writing. Don’t do questions 9 and 11, we’ll do those in class.
Student: Is that all?
Teacher: Yes.
 Yuko: How do I get to the post office from here?
 Eric: Walk two blocks to 16
 Avenue. Then turn right on Forest Street. Go two   
more blocks to Market Street and turn left. The post office is halfway
down the street on the right-hand side. 2
Yuko: Thanks.
 Andy: Bye, Mom. I’m going over to Billy’s house.
 Mom: Wait a minute. Did you clean up your room?
 Andy: I’ll do it later.
 Mom: No. Do it now, before you leave.
 Andy: Do I have to?
 Mom: yes.
Andy: What do I have to do?
 Mom: Hang up your clothes. Make your bed. Put your books back on the shelf. 
Empty the wastepaper basket. Okay?
 Andy: Okay.
 Mom:  And don’t forget about your appointment with the dentist 
 Heidi: Please close the window, Mike. It’s a little chilly in here.
 Mike: Okay. Is there anything else I can do for you before I leave?
 Heidi: Could you turn off the light in the kitchen?
 Mike:  No problem. Anything else?
 Heidi: Ummm, please hand me the remote control for the TV. It’s over there.
 Mike: Sure. Here.
 Heidi:  Thanks.
 Mike: I’ll stop by again tomorrow. Take care of yourself. Take good care of that 
broken leg. Don’t trip over anything. 
Heidi: Don’t worry, I’ll be careful. Thanks again

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